Jbl Quantum Range Headset
This technology allows gamers to.
Jbl quantum range headset. From the thrill of tracking enemies in fps games to engaging in epic moba battles the jbl quantum range amplifies victories with a sound experience that transforms each headset into a crown for the everyday champion. Available on select models. Incorporates best in class flip up or detachable boom microphones with echo cancelling technology which enables users to focus on voice rather than background noises to ensure crystal. The new quantum range boasts seven different models.
The flagship jbl quantum one headset also features head tracking to lock sounds in 360 degrees of space around you just move your head naturally to pinpoint the source. Jbl has launched the quantum series of gaming headsets in india with the quantum 600 sitting in the middle of the range. The flagship jbl quantum one headset also features head tracking to lock sounds in 360 degrees of space around you just move your head naturally to pinpoint the source. For this review we are looking closer at the middle of the range model the jbl quantum 400s.
The jbl quantum range will be available for purchase april 13 2020. The jbl quantum range delivers immersive audio quality and pinpoint accuracy to provide a true competitive advantage. Welcome to a new era of audio in gaming with jbl s revolutionary quantum range of premium gaming headsets and comfortable gaming headphones. Prices range depending on wired or wireless.
The look design wise the quantum headsets are just a nice straight black with a tasteful chrome logo. Jbl quantum 400 over ear headset with boom mic. 12 999 this gaming headset offers both wired and wireless. Incorporates best in class flip up or detachable boom microphones with echo cancelling technology which enables users to focus on voice rather than background noises to ensure crystal.
All headsets in the jbl quantum range have multi platform capabilities for seamless connection to pc mac xbox playstation nintendo switch mobile and vr. The jbl quantum range boasts seven headset models giving options for both casual and competitive gamers. Spanning entry level headsets through to models with head tracking noise cancellation and wireless surround sound. The jbl quantum 300 jbl quantum 400 jbl quantum 600 and jbl quantum 800 feature the newest jbl quantumsurround sound technology powered by the jbl quantumengine pc software.